Nito No Joreishi Manga Online Gotsuji and Uruka, two exorcists, spend their days hunting down and banishing "evil spirits." Their mission is to track down and slay a specific malevolent spirit. At the heart of this quest lies Gotsuji's deep, unresolved grief and vengeance for a woman who died long ago. While Gotsuji is consumed by a thirst for revenge, Uruka, who struggles to understand this obsession, faithfully stays by his side. Together, these two exorcists are bound on a journey, but where will it lead? Read Manga Free, Read Manga Online, Manga Free, Read Anime"
Nito No Joreishi Manga Online Free, 二兎の除霊師 ; Two Rabbit Exorcists
Gotsuji and Uruka, two exorcists, spend their days hunting down and banishing “evil spirits.” Their mission is to track down and slay a specific malevolent spirit. At the heart of this quest lies Gotsuji’s deep, unresolved grief and vengeance for a woman who died long ago. While Gotsuji is consumed by a thirst for revenge, Uruka, who struggles to understand this obsession, faithfully stays by his side. Together, these two exorcists are bound on a journey, but where will it lead?
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